Last weekend I happened to visit a friend of mine with whom we had not seen for a long time. Having entered the cozy living room of her apartment, I was literally dumbfounded - I was being watched from a spacious cage ... a lively domestic raccoon.
You won’t surprise anyone with exotics in the house, but to see a small striped animal like this, at arm's length, was a bit unusual. Of course, we could not leave this topic unattended, and having a conversation, a friend told me about the intricacies of Tom's content (that’s the name of the whale). And when she let out a small animal to walk around the apartment ... in a word, those who are just thinking of taming a forest animal clearly have something to think about.
Material Content:
Description of the domestic raccoon
Cute raccoons belong to the genus of mammals, the family of predators.

In the wild, there are 2 varieties of this animal:
- a strip;
- crustacean.
The first species is most common in nature and has the following features of appearance:
- The average weight of the animals reaches 6 kg, the height at the withers is 35 cm. The body length from the tip of a curious black nose to the end of the fluffy tail is 25 cm.
- Representatives of the raccoon family are easily recognized by a peculiar dark mask around the eyes and no less dark transverse stripes on the tail.
- The body is stocky and dense, the hair on the trunk and tail is long, fluffy, grayish-brown.
- Paws are short and strong, ears are rounded.
- A wide head smoothly passes into a narrow pretty face, which nature has painted according to all the rules of camouflage.
- A black mask on the face is surrounded by a light gray fur resembling whiskers.Dark brown spots surround the eyes, a dark strip passes from the tip of the nose to the forehead.
- A magnificent fluffy tail is decorated with black rings in an amount of 5 to 7.
These animals are lovers of wet places, and therefore their main habitat is near fresh water bodies (ponds, rivers and lakes). They can settle in hollows of old trees, abandoned burrows, crevices of rocks.
However, the pussies are quite capable of peacefully coexisting with a person and even go to visit the two-legs in search of food. They can also be found in abandoned houses, namely in basements, attics, drainpipes.
It is the ability of the stripes to adapt to almost any living conditions that prompts many people to start them as pets.
Features of behavior and character
When planning to start a striped creation in a house, a potential owner should familiarize himself with the peculiarities of his character.
A moment of humor
- Why are you late for a meeting of the Stupid Excuses Club?
“You see, the raccoon swallowed my keys, and ...”
- Don't go on, it sounds convincing, come on in.
Of course, the described situation seems truly fantastic, and such an excuse is unlikely to suit the head of a solid organization. And yet this joke describes the raccoon character in the best possible way: it is full of curiosity, energy and, in addition to everything, is very cunning.
Often the owner is faced with problems in the first six months of life. A person will have to be patient, waiting for the puberty of the animal, which occurs when he is one year old. Owners who want to ensure peace in the family and the safety of personal belongings should carefully monitor the ward. Stripes love to fool around, for example, to visit forbidden places or arrange high-speed races around the apartment.
At the same time, the owner should not expect that the strip will grow obedient and meek. However, not everything is so gloomy: if the owner complies with the recommendations for keeping a striped pet, the human-animal tandem will bring pleasure to both sides.
Pros and Cons of a Pet
Having carefully listened to a friend’s story, and after reading reviews of striped kids on the Internet, I realized that not everyone has a “friendship” with this beast.
In other words, the content of the raccoon at home has its pros and cons.
- Unpretentiousness in food. The owner does not have to worry about buying expensive feed or elite delicacies.
- The animals are smart and smart. They can easily copy human movements, accurately and comically imitating their actions.
- They are distinguished by companionable disposition and curiosity. Fuzzies love to play, prefer rattles and other noisy objects.
- Their life expectancy in captivity is higher than in nature. A wild animal lives on average 6-8 years, while a domestic animal can live 13 or more years.

- The animal is very active at night. This can be an unpleasant discovery for a lark owner, who can prevent sleeping at night during the night's journeys around the beast.
- The name "strip" the beast received for a reason. The striped pet will try to wash everything that falls into its paws. In this case, the definition of “everything” can even get equipment and jewelry. “Whoever didn’t hide things is not my fault,” probably the playful sneakers think.
- Even a domesticated beast, in fact, remains a predatory animal, and therefore it is very difficult to make it completely tame.
- Nature awarded him with sharp teeth and claws. In addition, he is very brave and pugnacious.
- Beasts mark their territory. Neither the specially set trays, nor the thematic signs “M” and “F” are practically capable of solving this problem.
The last paragraph may become obstacles to the maintenance of this fur animal in the apartment.
“Somehow I had a desire to get a raccoon. I did not have to look for it for a long time, because my friend already had it. It was already an adult animal, which was able to do a lot.There was a cat in my apartment with which the raccoon had no problems. I held them together. The raccoon behaved like a cat, though he slept too much. In general, this is a fairly intelligent animal. The only thing that upset me was its smell. And I couldn’t get him out. I breathed a sigh of relief when a friend agreed to take him back. I think it was about the children who could not endure a long separation without their favorite. ”
Home Content
Keeping a raccoon at home is fraught with some difficulties. Due to the fact that small striped predators are not only researchers, but also destroyers, it is best for them to live in a spacious aviary on the territory of a private house. Their home should be equipped with a house with shelves, a scratching post and a climbing tree. And, of course, the bathroom, because the tailed ones love water procedures. It is recommended to put a bunch of rags in the bed of the pet. As a litter, wood sawdust is also suitable.
A friend admitted that she has a cell with Tom on the loggia, bright, glazed and insulated. By the way, a specific smell really hovered in this room, despite the fact that the loggia is clearly often aired.
If a small predator is contained in the apartment, the owner should be especially careful when releasing a pet for a walk around the territory. All valuables, flowers and wires are best removed away. At the same time, one should not console oneself with the hope that the robber will not reach the desired objects if they are placed higher. These extremely curious and ubiquitous creatures are best left unattended altogether.

The main difficulty in living a strip at home is its aggressiveness towards strangers. Moreover, he can be equally wary of both people and animals. Therefore, owners taking their pet for a walk should avoid crowded places.
Tom did not show aggression to me, as, however, was not of particular interest. Probably, the whole point is in my delicacy - I did not bother him with hugs and grip. But with his mistress, apparently, he really did have a warm, reverent relationship.
On a note. Stripes should not be kept in a house where small living creatures live: kittens, rodents, birds, etc. Striped dog will be happy to eat the desired prey. By the way, lovers of houseplants should also think before starting a forest beast in an apartment - the culinary preferences of this beast are very diverse.
Features of care and feeding
Striped raccoons are considered omnivores. In the wild, they enjoy eating fish, frogs, small birds, rodents, lizards, as they ripen seasonal vegetables and fruits, eat them.
Accordingly, the menu of a domestic animal should include products that it eats in nature. Namely:
- lean meat (boiled or raw): chicken, beef, veal, rabbit, turkey;
- fish (pre-boiled): flounder, tuna, cod, pollock, hake;
- fruits: pear, apple, peach, kiwi, banana, grapes, plum;
- vegetables: zucchini, carrots, fresh peas, boiled corn;
- berries: cherries, currants, cherries, raspberries.
It is permissible to treat your pet with premium feed intended for cats and dogs. However, one should not often resort to such a treat - this can lead to joint dysplasia, obesity and the development of a pet's cardiovascular disease. Smoked products, citrus fruits, red fish, flour and salty dishes are prohibited. Of sweets, only honey is allowed.
Health care
The strips are hardy, have good health. The owner should pay attention to the hygiene of the eyes and ears of the pet, eliminating pollution with a fleece on time. Also, owners annually vaccinate the animal from leptospirosis and rabies.
How to wean a raccoon to bite
A biting pet is another problem that the owner of a striped beast may encounter. Moreover, such behavior is characteristic even of individuals who have just fondly responded to the owner’s arms, and in the next second they strive to use sharp and strong teeth. A special reason for a bite is not required - he may not like the smell coming from a person who came from the street. Or in the heat of the game, he decides to prove his superiority (Tom, according to a friend, often sins this).

From the first minutes of staying at home, a striped pet should understand that the main thing on the territory is a person. Otherwise, the animal may think of itself as a leader. Speak better in a low, but confident voice. It is recommended to prepare a certain phrase and repeat it every time after the next bite of a domestic predator. If he bites a person, playing, in addition to reprimand, you need to stop the game for a while. Typically, these animals are smart enough to understand such a hint.
Tip. If the conversation method is ineffective, connect noise. To do this, take a plastic bottle and tap on any surface. The sound is loud and loud. Such an action is again accompanied by a reprimand.
This is the basic information that will be useful to those who are considering whether to get a raccoon as a pet. In any case, the task of caring for the animal seemed quite feasible to me, and the mistress of the furry Tom seemed pleased. But to ignore all the subtleties of their content is not worth it.