Kitten pneumonia is a problem I recently had to face. I want to share my experience on how to recognize a disease and what treatment methods to use.
What you need to know about pneumonia:
- Initially, the symptoms are implicit. A characteristic clinical picture appears after 2-3 days.
- The disease develops rapidly. If medical care is not provided on time, the kitten may die within a few days.
- The disease is divided into types depending on the pathogen. Each has a separate treatment regimen.
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Causes of pneumonia in a kitten
From conversations with the veterinarian, I learned that the causes of pneumonia are not only hypothermia or reduced immunity (as I thought before).

The disease is also provoked by such factors:
- helminths in the lungs;
- acute respiratory infections;
- bruises and injuries of the chest of the animal;
- cold food and drink;
- ingestion of a foreign body in the respiratory tract.
Even veterinarians identify risk groups. So, pneumonia in a newborn kitten can occur if it is premature. And also stray animals or those that live in nurseries often suffer from this disease. In the latter case, the reason is that the kittens are kept crowded, and the room is often cool.
Note! Pets and well-groomed pets also often suffer from pneumonia. They can get sick due to stress, frequent bathing, or an unbalanced diet.
Types and symptoms of the disease
Inflammation of the lungs in kittens and adult cats is divided into several types. In the case of my pet, it was an invasive (parasitic) pneumonia.The lungs of the baby I found on the street were hit by roundworms. As the doctor explained to me, often infection occurs even in the womb.
There are also such varieties:
- viral;
- bacterial;
- fungal;
- aspiration.
The last type of disease develops due to the entry of foreign objects into the lungs. And also the cause of aspiration pneumonia can be a liquid intranasal drug if it was used incorrectly.

The first signs are expressed implicitly. At the very beginning of the disease, I noticed such changes in the behavior of a small pet:
- he became lethargic, lethargic and inactive;
- practically did not eat;
- the call "kitty-kitty" did not respond to the nickname;
- constantly sleeping and often hiding in a secluded place, away from me and the household.
I considered this a consequence of stress, because the kitten spent some time on the street. But after 2 days, the symptoms characteristic of pneumonia appeared:
- the temperature jumped sharply, the nose became dry and hot;
- the kitten was constantly thirsty;
- the hair was ruffled, and the heartbeat and breathing became frequent;
- mucous discharge from the nose, lacrimation, and severe salivation;
- dry barking cough periodically occurred;
- mucous membranes in the mouth acquired a bluish tint.
In addition to these symptoms, the veterinarian found whistles and wheezing in the animal’s lungs while listening. And after the X-ray, there was no doubt that the kitten had pneumonia.
Attention! If these symptoms are found, you can not delay a visit to the doctor. Sometimes the bill is not for days, but for hours.
Treatment of pneumonia in a pet
Treatment of pneumonia in kittens, regardless of the pathogen, is carried out comprehensively. The basis of therapy is antibiotics. Their choice depends on the results of the analysis. If gram-positive bacteria are found, drugs based on amoxicillin and azithromycin, medicines from the first generation of cephalosporins are used. In the presence of gram-negative microorganisms, fluoroquinolones or amikacins are used. Anaerobes are sensitive to ampicillin and clindamycin. Antibiotics act quickly, after a couple of days my puffy cheered up, started eating better and no longer hid.

The following types of medications are also shown:
- antipyretic;
- hepatoprotectors;
- immunomodulators;
- vitamins A, D and ascorbic acid.
My pet was also prescribed antiparasitic drugs, since helminths became the cause of the disease. In cases of mechanical damage to the lung, painkillers are additionally given. In addition, expectorant medicines can be used (when sputum is hard to leave) and medicines that support the heart (if the disease has caused a complication to this organ).
Note! I do not indicate the names of drugs intentionally, since in each case they are selected individually.
Prevention of Complications
In addition to drug treatment, I had to take a number of measures to prevent complications:
- I provided the kitten with peace, did not engage in outdoor games, and limited activity.
- She placed the pet in the warmest room in the house. At the time of airing, I took it out to the kitchen, since drafts could contribute to the deterioration of the condition.
- She fed the baby up to 6 times a day with steamed and boiled food, previously bringing it to a puree state.
- She gave food and drink only in a warm form.
- She did a light massage, gently tapping the sternum with her fingertips. Movement made from the bottom up. When the cough with sputum started, it stopped briefly. The total duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.
After 3 weeks, the kitten recovered. According to the veterinarian, he "got off easily." Often, treatment takes twice as long, and in exceptional cases even 2 months.
Possible consequences
My pet was lucky, I noticed a disease on time and immediately consulted a doctor.In such cases, the prognosis is usually favorable, and after 3-5 weeks the kitten is again peppy and cheerful.
But if medical care is not provided immediately or complications arise, everything is not so rosy. Severe consequences of pneumonia in kittens are violations in the upper and lower respiratory tract, heart and respiratory failure, pulmonary edema and abscess, and sepsis. And the worst thing is the death of a pet.
Competent and timely treatment of pneumonia will help not only to maintain health, but also to save the life of your pet. Do not ignore the disturbing symptoms, follow the doctor’s instructions, and soon the fluffy “bully” will again delight you with energy and playfulness.